

Sergeant Karo Sarkis Hovagimyan, a conscript of the Armenian Army, is one of the heroic martyrs of the 3rd Artsakh war. Karo was born in 2000 in the city of Aleppo in the Syrian Arab Republic. In 2003 he returned to the Republic of Armenia with his parents. He received his primary education at Yerevan school No. 2 after Kh. Abovyan. Then he continued his education in the PhysMath school after Shahinyan. Graduated the school after George Emin. In 2018 he was admitted to YSMU- M. Heratsi State Medical University, Faculty of Dentistry. Unfortunately, the study remained incomplete. Karo devoted his life to the defense of the motherland. Karo was an active and resilient young man: parallel to his education, he attended Armenian ethnographic dance classes, oriental martial arts and guitar lessons. In January 2019, he was drafted into the Armenian Army, where he served as a nurse. He was awarded the title of "Sergeant" for good service. He was martyred on October 10, 2020 in the 3rd Artsakh war, in the battles for Hadrut. In order to perpetuate the name of the heroic martyr, the parents decided to establish the "KARO HOVAGIMYAN" CHARITY FOUNDATION, investing all the money provided by the state for the support of the deceased soldier, pension and death allowance, as well as all other private donations to Karo's death.


Beneficiaries of the fund are those RA citizens who have lived in RA for at least the last three consecutive years, as well as those diaspora Armenians who have returned home, are not RA citizens, but have lived in RA for at least the last two consecutive years. As well as: 1. If there is 1 or more disabled child/children in the family 2. If the family is registered by an insecure state (as a beneficiary) 3. The wounded participants of the 3rd Artsakh war and the family members of the victims